How to represent the ongoing changes of our planet? How can we develop new modes of writing to help us understand our world? How to articulate centuries of graphic skills and human knowledge with recent practices of data?

Micro Meso Macro is a two-days event that gathers scientists from multiple disciplines (earth sciences, social sciences, life sciences, computer science, data science, etc.) with designers, architects and artists to exchange about their visual practices of data.

As its name suggests, Micro Meso Macro investigates the multiple scales of life. Time, geography, networks, relationships, quantities… : they come in all sizes and shapes. This event provides an account of works and reflections that have used data to visually explore different dimensions of reality.

We believe that our goal in discussing visualisation should not be to seek an unified approach to writing, but to support a diverse set of possibilities, tools and authoring styles. The visual grammar of data still in the making. Important explorations still to be conducted in the domain of representation to invent new mental models, develop new tools, create new ways of observing. We hope this event will provide a space to discuss them.

Confirmed speakers

Talks will be given in French and/or in English.

The event will happen on November 14th and 15th, 2019 from 10am to 6pm.


Thursday, November 14th

09:30 Welcome Coffee  
10:00 Foreword  
10:30 Joanna Boehnert ecology, design and politics
11:15 Fabrice Sabatier Visualiser le lobby climatique 
12:00 Lunch  
13:30 Lynn Cherny analytic designer
14:15 Nicolas Barradeau it’s dangerous to go alone! take this.
15:00 Philippe Rivière The fabric of the city
15:45 Coffee Break  
16:30 Romain Vuillemot Beyond the Temperature Chart: Designing Climate Change Visualizations for Impact
17:15 Paul Guzzardo Visual Space of Architecture
18:00 End Day 1  

Friday, November 15th

09:30 Welcome Coffee  
10:00 Ludivine Bocquier & Salomé Tréguier Workshop Atlas of Data
12:00 Lunch  
13:30 Jazmin Arguello Velazquez natural capital accounting
14:15 Alexandra Arènes SOC – Société d’Objets Cartographiques
15:00 Julien Dupont Kartokobri
15:45 Coffee Break  
16:30 Gauthier Roussilhe Grounding Design
17:15 Closing Remarks and Discussions  
18:00 End Day 2  

The full schedule will be published soon.
For reference, you can check the website of the previous edition.

Register now

The two day are free, open to all audiences, including students from outside the ENS.

Registration will be closed on November 7th.


Talks will be hosted in the room 117 on the first floor of the Monod site of ENS de Lyon.